Very bad cases of acne

« ...Not everyone needs to see a dermatologist for their acne condition. For some people the over the counter treatments are just fine and work great. If they solve your acne problem you will avoid the expense and dangers of taking prescription acne medications into your body, and suffer the possible negative side effects....
...That just makes things worse. When drying the skin, pat it gently; do not try to scrub it off! When it comes time to buy cosmetics, avoid those that are oil based, choose, instead, water based cosmetic. Remember to keep your self confidence intact. How you do that is up to you....»
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«...And you just saw the damage a limiting belief. A belief that at first seemed correct and helpful....»
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tags: how to get acne and pimples away forever at home, acne cures and causes, best proven at home acne scar treatment